Last night was a very exciting evening for me and some of my friends. We have talked of starting a non-profit organization for a long time now and last night we finalized the paper work for getting Global Summit, Ltd started (and let me tell you there was tons and tons of official paper work that has been taken care of). Our main focuses at Global Summit, Ltd will be building schools and orphanages for children all over the world. Our first goal is to have a school built in Africa in one year, and shortly to follow an orphanage built in South America. Though to most of you this probably seems far fetched but we plan on doing major fund raising and organizing to achieve our goals. We will also be working hand in hand with an already established organization (Building Tomorrow) they will be guiding us to reaching our goals.
I was named President of the organization and will be focusing on ideas and planning for fund raising events. Timothy Kemper was named Vice President, Margarete Balza was named treasurer (because she is so trustworthy with money, and i have a gambling problem ;)hahaha), Christopher Nienhaus was named secretary (because he has amazing note taking skills). Though these positions are just temporary titles because with time, we plan to hire full-time people for these positions and the original four of us who are starting this organization will be sitting on the board of directors.
The four of us all believe that education is extremely important. Not only educating children but also adults. If we educate the entire communities, everyone involved can implement what they learned to the "real world" and make positive choices to better the community. We plan on implementing a non-formal education system. One of the things that I am most excited about teaching is entrepreneurial skills and helping individuals believe that they can achieve anything. By educating kids and getting them off the streets at a young age, we feel that it will take them out of the hands of drugs and guns which in turn will produce healthier communities. We know this won't achieve Utopia but its defiantly a positive step in the right direction.
I encourage all of you to get involved with us, or find a cause that you believe in. We live in this great country with endless opportunities. Most of us are fortunate to have an education and with that fortune you can help others in need of direction. So please get involved!! If you would like to help our organization out with fund raising and or donations please contact me or one of the members on the board.
*We are planning our first extremely fun fund raising event NOW, and more details to follow....keep Dec 5th 2008 open on your calendars!!!
*I am also designing a bracelet for Global Summit, Ltd. ALL (not 5%,10%,29% or 99% ALL) of the proceeds will be donated back to our organization.
Thanks for listening!!!